
  To promote good will and understanding among coastal people

 To promote education and literacy among the public about coastal environment, their resources and natural disasters

  Creation, collection, collation, dissemination and application of knowledge and technologies for coastal environmental and socioeconomic benefits

  To publish books/periodicals for promoting the knowledge of coastal marine environment and their resource conservation and management

  Instituting and awarding scholarships in India for research studies in marine sciences

 To provide socio economic programmes, skill training courses, arranging financial assistance, giving technical consultant services, forming savings groups etc.

  To protect and promote global environment and extend the green cover wherever possible and to eradicate all types of pollution

  To create awareness and training about preparedness and mitigation of natural disasters

  To spread out social and health awareness and promote voluntary actions among the all sections of people through training, meetings and seminars etc.

 To provide socio economic programmes, skill training courses, arranging financial assistance, giving technical consultant services, forming savings groups etc.

 To promote women welfare and development through providing various educations, dedicating above-said services

  To develop educational institutions under the control of the trust and provide all academic and technical courses to the needy people

  To establish training and knowledge centres for coastal resources and environment

  To enter into any agreement with the governments whether central or state or with local authorities in pursuance of the objectives of the trust and by obtaining from any such government or authority all rights, concessions and privileges that may seem consistent conducive to the objectives of the trust.

  To accept donation, grants, presents, gifts and loan in each and any kind from individuals, state and central government, other voluntary organizations and also from the foreign agencies for the objectives of the trust.

  Any income arising out of the trust properties whether moveable or immovable after meeting all the expenses of the trustees shall be utilized for all the money of the aforesaid objectives the trustees decide.

  This trust will not interfere in any political action or it will not join any political party.

 Networking with government organizations, panchayat raj institutions, other `non-governmental organizations and like-minded people to achieve the objectives of the trust.

  To engage in any other activity which has not been specifically mentioned so far, which shall promote the Trust’s objective towards overall wellbeing of the people without any distinction of caste, creed color and community
